Job shadowing means having one of our employees follow the work of a foreign colleague at their school. Our employees can spend a period of time with an approved host organization in another country with the aim of learning new teaching practices. Furthermore, you gather new ideas through observation and interaction with foreign colleagues, experts or other professionals in their daily work.
Our employees have been on job-shadowing in Athens, the Netherlands, Finland, Italy and even Norway.
Social Science teachers’ job shadowing in Athens
"Student Administration has visited the Netherlands to gain insight into the Dutch school system. The trip lasted three days with school visits, meetings, and job shadowing. It included sharing our work experience, regarding administrative workflow and participation in teaching. The trip concluded with a visit to the educational museum," says Heidi Rønnov Lund, Head of Student Administration.

Jobskygning er hvor en af vores medarbejdere følger en udenlandsk kollegas arbejde på sidelinjen. Medarbejderne kan tilbringe en periode hos en godkendt værtsorganisation i et andet land med det formål at lære ny praksis og indsamle nye ideer gennem observation og interaktion med kolleger, eksperter eller andre fagfolk i deres daglige arbejde.
Vi har haft vores medarbejdere på jobskygning i Athen, Holland, Finland, Italien og Norge.
Samfundsfaggruppen på jobskygning i Athen - læs artikel
”Studieservice har været på besøg i Holland, for at få indsigt i det hollandske skolesystem. Turen var på 3 dage med skolebesøg, møder, jobskygning, herunder udveksling af erfaringer med hensyn til administrative arbejdsgange og deltagelse i undervisning. Turen skulle afsluttes med et besøg på undervisningsmuseet, ” siger Heidi Rønnov Lund, Studieservicechef.